Because Integrity Matters
In operation for more than three decades, Government Financial Strategies has served more than 300 public agencies and helped its clients issue debt financings totaling more than $15 billion. Our comprehensive approach, from the creation of a planning process, to the development of a plan and finally to the implementation of the financing strategy, helps our clients accomplish their missions efficiently and economically.

Our Staff
Highly skilled, honest, professional, caring and friendly. Our staff strives to be an expert in their area of responsibility.
Integrity Matters
Our highest responsibility is to our clients and the public they serve. We strive to conduct business in a manner that supports the public interest with transparency, accountability and efficiency.
Our Focus
We focus on many different areas of public finance. Our knowledge is delivered in a variety of consulting engagements, from serving as a licensed municipal advisor to serving as an expert witness.

Facts & Figures

Government Financial Strategies has served more than 300 public agencies, including school districts, county offices of education, counties, cities, special districts, and joint powers authorities.

Since our founding in 1988, Government Financial Strategies has provided financial advisory services in connection with more than 900 financings totaling over $15 billion.

Government Financial Strategies has worked on more than 100 voter approval bond and tax measures, including general obligation bonds, parcel taxes, etc.

Our Philosophy
Our knowledge of relevant academic research and best practices1 in public finance helps guide our thinking, and we work together with our clients to develop and implement financial strategies which are appropriate and effective.
Our Guide
Of the things we think, say or do:2
- Is it the truth?
- Is it fair to all concerned?
- Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
- Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

1One source of best practices is the Government Finance Officers Association
2This is the Rotary 4 Way Test. Created by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor in 1932 when he took the helm of a company facing bankruptcy to help guide his employees. The 4 Way Test was adopted by Rotary in 1943 and by Government Financial Strategies in 1993.